(805) 239-3032(805) 239-3032
Florist Paso Robles
Local florist, living plants, collectables, gifts, gift baskets. Same day delivery. Wedding flowers, funeral flowers, new baby flowers. Vera Bradley, Byers Choice, Crabtree & Evelyn. Since 1985.
Country Florist and Gift opened on December 14th 1985 in the Vons Shopping Center were they are still located today.
“We were referred to Country Florist for our wedding flowers and they were wonderful. We loved the flowers, the wedding bouquet and all the table displays were perfect. They made our special day look flawless. Thank you again Country Florist for your artistic arrangements!” – Tom M.
Services Offered:
- Florist
- Gift Baskets
- Wedding Flowers
- Funeral Flowers
- Gift Shop
- Living Plants
- Collectables
- Same Day Delivery
Payment Accepted:
- Cash
- Check
- Visa
- MasterCard
- Discover
- American Express
- Invoice
Parking Situation:
- Parking Lot